Day 8 of Giving

Yesterday was a GORGEOUS day out. Absolutely amazing. The sun was out, super clear blue sky, crisp fresh air. It was a perfect day for our first walk of 2014.

We took the kids to the park where we had hoped they would tire themselves out so much they would need an afternoon nap (they did not).

Anyway, we ended up taking them to Starbucks for a hot chocolate afterwards to warm up. It was busy in there (guess everyone had the same idea). We managed to get one of the last tables with 3 chairs for Bryan, me, and Mack (Bree sat on my lap).

This dad and daughter came in (looked like from a soccer game) and found a table with one chair. The dad gave the seat to his daughter and went off looking for another. It was obvious there wasn't one around. The daughter started to look worried. The dad gave her that reassuring look that said, "it's ok honey, you sit, I'm ok standing here"

So Bryan asked me if he should give his seat up and put Mack on his lap. Of course I said yes. We gave away one of the chairs so this dad can enjoy a drink with his daughter.

A seat doesn't seem like much, but they had some pretty cool convos yesterday afternoon over a cup of hot drink. Sometimes giving means a lot more than its value.


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