Day 24 of Giving

With working full time and 2 kids, I don't actually know how anyone manages to write a blogpost every single day! Obviously not me. Although my time management skills have never been top notch.

Today, one of my friends mentioned to me that her 4-month old require a lot of stimulation. Ain't that the truth! I remember having different stations around the house for Mack back in the day. An activity mat, tummy time, exersaucer, jolly jumper, bumbo, and on top of that, we went out every day. It never seemed to be enough. Which is probably why our kids are the way they are now - they need to be entertained all.the.time.

Anyway, I offered my friend our exersaucer. Nothing huge. We aren't using it anymore at this point and I know it does provide at least 15-20 mins of sanity.

It's a 3 in one actually. It had an activity mat, that turned into this exersaucer, and then eventually turns into an activity table.

What did parents do before all these gadgets were invented?!


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