Day 16 of Giving

It was a crappy day, no doubt about it. I have a million things to catch up to at work and Bree is not feeling well. She threw up a couple of nights ago, but was in good spirits yesterday. She didn't eat much, but I normally don't worry if it was a one off thing for a day. Today she was crankier than normal (in fact, I don't remember her smiling even once today) and she had maybe 3 oz of milk.

She started throwing up around 1 pm and wouldn't stop for an hour. You could tell she was just absolutely exhausted at this point. She hadn't had a wet diaper since 8 am. This girl was dehydrated. She would not have a bottle, she wouldn't have a sippy cup. She turned away everything we gave her. So after a bit of talking it over, we took her to the ER.

If you are my friend, you'd know that this is the 4th time we've been to the ER in the last 2 months. We took Mack there twice and took my mom there once before Christmas, and now Bree. We were so familiar with the hospital by this point we knew exactly what to pack to keep our kid entertained.

After giving her a popsicle (which she totally refused) and throwing up all over Bryan one more time, the nurse finally took us seriously (I get it, they get A LOT of probably over worried parents there). Another hour later, she was back to her normal self. We were there for about 5 hours before the doctor saw us to discharge us.

In the meantime, I picked up some food for Bryan and I since we hadn't eaten all day. Been seeing these Wendy's commercials about these spicy burgers they had. And so, I picked up 2 burgers for us today and paid for the car behind me. I don't know if this is something that regularly happens at Wendy's, but I don't think so, because the cashier seemed very confused. Hope the car behind me enjoyed their $6 meal! (The spicy burgers were ok.)

The thing about giving is that you can do it no matter what you're feeling. I can tell you that it's super easy to give when you're in a good mood, and challenging at best when you feel exhausted. But at the end of the day, knowing you have pay forward even a tiny little bit does lift your soul to a higher place. Hope you consider paying it forward this week!


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