Day 13 of Giving

Have you ever given advice to someone, and they either pretended to agree with you, or find ways to argue how your way doesn't work?

Here's the thing about giving advice:

The other person has to have 3 things in place. We call it the 3 H's: Humility, Hunger, and Honesty. All 3 must be present for someone to take your advice seriously. You miss one, and advice falls on deaf ears.

This has been a huge lesson for me. I've been giving advice to a friend of mine for a long time, and getting frustrated each time when my advice would get dismissed. Looking back, the 3 H's weren't there. How could anyone listen when they aren't ready?

And so, on day 13, my friend finally had a soft heart. I knew it when a quality question was finally asked. That's the first sign that someone is ready. They don't ask questions like, "why me?" or "how can this be happening?" They ask quality questions that help them grow and move foward.

I was elated to see this soft heart! I gave my friend my all. Everything I could possibly think of because I didn't know how long this would last. I can only hope that they took what I said to heart and find some peace.

That's the thing about life - we search for peace, and in the process, we experience pain. But then we grow. And we look back, and we have a journey to remember.


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