Day 22 of Giving

It was a quiet weekend for us. A couple of lunch outings and that was about it. I realize now that if I want to give, I have to go out and create these opportunities myself, instead of waiting for the opportunities to come to me. This has been a huge life lesson in general for me. It's easy to sit back and wait for life to happen. Sometimes, I just need to get off my butt and make it happen!

Went out to buy some veggies tonight around the corner by our house. It was a nice night for a quick walk. I probably needed this fresh air more than I thought. After buying my veggies, I walked over to the parking lot where all the grocery carts were.

If you're not from Canada, this will probably be confusing to you. We had a friend from the States visiting once and asked us why all the grocery carts were chained together. Here in Canada, to avoid people stealing the carts, you have to put a quarter or a loonie to unlock the carts. And to get the quarter or loonie back, you have to return the cart to get your coin back. Kinda like the movie "The Terminal" with Tom Hanks where at one point, he was returning all the luggage carts for coins.

So last night, I left a quarter behind for someone who needed it. It's always hard to find a coin when you need it the most!


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