Day 23 of Giving

Yesterday, after a year of procrastinating, I finally rolled out my yoga mat and did a quick practice. Quick as in maybe a few sun salutations, a few warrior poses, and a few stretches. Nothing big, just something to get back into the groove of things. My body is getting pretty sluggish these days and it was a good start. (And today, my arms hurt, my abs hurt a yeah, I'm a bit out of shape)

For those who don't know, I was given an amazing gift a couple of summers ago to attend Yoga Teacher Training at Wellness Within. The tuition was paid for and it was one of the best experience of my life. I went to teach for a good 6 months before Bree came along and then I ended up working full time at home that I couldn't find time to teach again. If you are interested in becoming a yoga teacher or simply want to go a bit deeper in your practice, I highly recommend you checking out their program.

I woke up this morning and saw on facebook that one of my yoga teachers posted a video of her first practice postpartum. Her newest baby is now 3 months old. It is a beautiful video that brought tears to my eyes. I teared up maybe because of the song, or maybe because her daughter interrupted in the middle and it was just so raw and amzing. And I realized part of the reason why I haven't practiced was because I've been in fear of these interruptions that could happen during my practice. I thought if I couldn't have my 60 minutes of alone time, then I shouldn't even bother practicing at all. My teacher taught me better.

And this is my gift to you today. Whether you are a parent or not, whether you practice yoga or not - just know that when you want to do something, conditions don't have to be perfect to start. Just do it, and it will be good. Go with the flow and the universe will give you the gift you have been looking for. My giving today is not only to you as a reminder, but to feature the best yoga teacher I know. I hope you will take some time to watch Clare's video and follow her on facebook.


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