Day 20 of Giving

Earlier in the week when Bree was in the hospital, one of our good friends dropped off a care package for her the next day. It was super thoughtful and a bit of a lifesaver. It saved us a trip to go out and get what was needed with a sick kid in tow.

Our daycare provider's kids were sick today. I'm sure Bree was the one who had the honor of passing this great gift on. While I feel bad for the kids (because you can see they're tired and cranky and hungry, but can't eat because they will just throw it all up anyway), mostly, I feel bad for the parents. They're the ones who clean up the mess, who stay up with them in the middle of the night, and worry about them every minute until they get better. All the while, the parents are probably feeling under the weather themselves.

So to pay it forward, I enlisted Bryan's help to drop off some pedialyte off to her kids. It's not much, and certainly does not replace sleep or the loads of laundry she's probably stuck with doing. But hoping at least it helped somewhat in rehydrating the kids.

It's cold/flu/every viral disease you can think of season. Please take good care of yourselves. And if you know someone is feeling sick, don't hesitate to make a care package!


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