Day 26 of Giving

It's been nearly a week since I updated. I'm sorry. Life has been hectic to say the least and here I am. Trying to catch up on the last few days of giving. Bare with me...I hope I remember all of them.

One of my friends read my blog and recommended that I check out this page. It's called The Stranger Project 2014. This person set a goal to meet a stranger on the street every single day and learn about them, then post about them on facebook. What an amazing project!

Even though I'm an extrovert, I do have a hard time randomly going up to strangers to strike up a conversation. Kudos to this person for being courageous enough to do that. We're so busy on our phones, computers, internet, and what not - we miss these human connections. It used to be that you say hi to everyone you pass by on the street, nowadays, we rarely even meet people in the eyes. I'm loving this project, and I encourage you to follow this page!

That's my giving of today - to spread some awareness around awesome projects/pages and what not. Maybe it's time you strike up a conversation with a stranger. Who knows, maybe it's time for make a new friend!


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