Day 19 of Giving

The problem with working from home is that you have a tendency to never go out. I wake up, tend to the kids, go to work, finish work, tend to the kids. And by the end, I'm way too exhausted to do anything else. 

I was hoping to save today's giving for a rainy day. But I just didn't have a chance to do anything today except work, kids, and more work! It was a great day at work though - with the help of my coworkers, I'm seeing the light of day! I'm finally getting semi-caught up. And a productive day always feel amazing.

So, as I watched with the hours ticked by, I decided today to loan money on Kiva. Kiva is basically a private lending site to people all around the world. I love it because it helps people's dream come true. Bryan and I have been involved in Kiva for a long time. Today, I decided to go in and choose another person to gift to, and it was awesome!

I chose Carlos, a guy from Columbia who is in the furniture making business. What drew me most was his picture. You can tell everything about someone with their smile and their eyes. Look at this face! You can tell that this man has a kind soul. To learn more about his story, click here.

We gifted the exact amount he needed to reach 100% of his loan. The best part of this? They repay it and you get to find someone else to loan it to!

If you aren't familiar with Kiva, I highly recommend looking into it. The stories alone will warm your heart! 


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