Day 3/4 of Giving

Ok ok, with the busy-ness of New Year's Eve, admittedly I didn't have time to do any giving yesterday. So I made it up today on New Year's.

Remember these? 

When I was little, I loved putting my fingers in the slots to see if I can find some free candies in there. Looking back, that's a bit disgusting. But a kid is a kid is a kid!

So today, instead of leaving just one quarter on top of one of these machines, I left two (to make up for yesterday)! I can't wait for a kid to find these quarters and get candies/gumballs/or whatever to annoy their parents. It's gonna be great! Remind me not to bring my kids near one of these machines anytime soon :)

It's not big, cost me a total of 50 cents. But the idea of giving is never about how big or small, how expensive or cheap it is. The idea of giving is to give it with your whole heart. I'm feeling good about today's.

Thank you for everyone who private messaged me with your ideas of giving! They're all amazing and I will be starting a list to see about checking them off as the year goes on. Can't wait to see what's ahead!

Happy New Year everyone! 2014 is shaping to feel better for me already. I'm hoping the same for you!


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