Day 49 of Giving

We haven't had one single free weekend since 2014 started. Every weekend has been filled with activities of some sort! Today was no different. Today, we went to register Mack for preschool. It's hard to believe our baby girl will be 3 this year and ready for school!

The school we wanted to put her into is quite popular and we have heard from quite a few sources that you have to get there early to "line up" for a spot. Knowing there were about 4 spots left for the class we wanted, we made sure we were there right when they opened at 10 am for the open house!

Open house was from 10-2 pm and then it was registration at 3 pm. We were there playing with the kids the entire time with a half hour lunch break in between. It was kinda crazy. But...we got in! (In fact, we got the first open spot they had!)

We had some friends there registering for their son as well to the same class. They were there too from 10 am to about 3:30 pm. Their son's birthday party is tomorrow, and they still had a ton of errands to run to get ready for the party.

So Bryan and I offered to take their son for a couple of hours so they had some uninterrupted cake making, grocery shopping, and cleaning time.

I love these "offers" we make, because our kids LOVE it. Look at this:

This is them settling in for Despicable Me with a bowl of popcorn (Bree had her own bowl). Easiest 3.5 hours of babysitting ever. All the kids cooperated the whole time.

When we had Mack, I remembered thinking, gosh, gone are the days of running in and out of the grocery store (or any store for that matter). Then we had Bree, and going out the door takes an hour minimum. We're lucky that my mom is at home so we can run to the grocery store and be back within 30 minutes. It's nice to be able to help someone out so they can have the same.

Kids life is awesome. Sometimes, a break is awesome too :)


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