My Jesus Year

I am a woman of many many blogs. Those who know me are not surprised. I have so many gosh darn ideas in my head that having one blog just isn't...enough.

I had a blog when Bryan and I first got into business together. Then I had a blog about gratitude. Then we had a blog about lessons that we learned along the way. Then I had a blog (and still do) about being a mom, and then I created a blog about my mom. I'm sure if you google my name, after combing through pages on google, you'll find some old posts in there from a blog I had forgotten about (maybe even ones when I did the master cleanse!). And now here we are. My Jesus year.

I don't remember when exactly I heard about this Jesus year business. It was before our oldest was born (so at least 3 years ago). We were on a road trip one day chatting about it. Apparently, 33 is supposed to be a big year. A year of change, finding yourself, growing spiritually, etc. They call it the Jesus year because that was when Jesus died. Also if you google 33, apparently, there are lots of religious reference to it. Who knew?

Since Bryan has a significant leg up on this one, because he turned 33 the year we met, we discussed in details his Jesus year after it was all over.

And a big year it was.

33 was the year Bryan separated from his first wife. It was also the year he left his religion, his family disowned him, and a lot of other crappy stuff. It was also the year we met. The year I moved to Edmonton to be with him. That was the year we rebuilt. I would say he grew and learned a thousand times more than he had the 32 yeas prior.

I am 20 days away from the beginning of my Jesus year.

To say I'm both afraid and excited would be an understatement.

I have a couple things I want to accomplish on this blog after I turn 33:

1.) It will be a year about me - I will blog about any lessons and insights I have about this whole "loving myself first" business.

2.) And while I'm doing this whole "all about me" thing, I will also be giving something away every single day. Therefore, you should see a post from me in the next 365 days (after my 33rd birthday) about my giving experience. It could be money, it could be donating old clothes, or even just a hug. It could be giving to strangers, my friends, my family, or even myself.

Here's to my Jesus year :)


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