Day 2 of Giving

Yesterday was my first day back to work after being off for 5 days. It was a much needed break to spend with the family and to clear my head.

As we approach the last day of 2013, you can find my top 10 moments here. It's been a roller coaster of a year, and I'm breathing a sigh of relief as 2013 draws to a close. Hope 2014 brings you more joy, hope, and love.

So yesterday, we went through everything in the house and ended up giving 4 bags of clothes, small appliances, and baby bottles to Big Brothers.

It's not super big, but we give what we can every month. And every time we declutter, it seems we have a bit more clarity in our lives.

Have you purged lately? If not, I encourage you to do it. Not only will you feel better at the end, but you're donating to good causes.

When I think about how I need to give for another 363 days, it's a crazy mountain to climb. But when I just take it one day at a time, I'm focusing so much more on the present. And I think that's the key to this 365 days of giving project.

If you have any ideas of what I can do in the next year to enrich someone's lives, please let me know!


  1. From Jackie on FB - had to post this in comments so I don't forget your wonderful ideas. Thanks Jackie!

    Good job on the purging! We have been doing that a lot lately too. So far we have given 15 boxes, 3 bags and some loose baby stuff to value village and then taken another 5 rubber maid bins of stuff to the preschool. Other ideas for your 365 day challenge are: free night of babysitting for a mommy friend, cook dinner for your momma or some family on a tight budget, volunteer somewhere either by yourself or with Bryan, Write thank you cards to canadian soliers (there is an address online for where to send them), donate your hair?, grow some flowers and give them to an elderly neighbour or someone at an old age facility, collect donations for the children's hospital and take them there with your girls, tidy up at a local park...


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