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Day 50 of Giving

We rarely go grocery shopping with both kids, but when we do, they absolutely love it. Superstore gives out free cookies to kids under 10. Now that Bree is over 1, we started giving her her own cookie. It keeps them occupied for a bit while we run around getting everything on the list. Today, we were there to grab a birthday present among other things. We're trying to wean Bree off formula, so we're going through homo milk like there's no tomorrow. Thank goodness we have a trip coming up to the States! (We're about to get our Nexus pass. I cannot tell you how excited I am about this) During check out, the cashier asked if we were willing to donate $2 to children't charity. Without hesitation, Bryan and I both said yes. Our kids will now have their names plastered on the wall with other names. One thing I know about kids is that they learn through their parents' actions. I hope our kids will learn to serve others. I hope our kids will have big compassion

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